Wednesday, May 23, 2012

hazel and...

Hazel was the main attraction at my mom's house.  I hardly ever held her.  She was getting all kinds of love'n. She was almost 2 months old during our week long trip to Arizona for Zak's graduation.

Talking with Grammy Sue
Cuddling with Aunt Tiffany
Stretching with Nana
Sleeping with Daddy
Chilling with Mom

Hanging out with Aunt Carly
Snuggling with Uncle Zak

This is my 18 year old brother Zak.  He waited so patiently while Hazel was passed from person to person, after a couple days he finally got a turn.  He told me that he couldn't wait to be a dad (not happening any time soon!) But he just thought Hazel was so special and precious.

1 comment:

  1. I love that zak is in to our kids. He is such a sweet uncle. Hazel is such a cutie! Poor Mauricio didn't get to hold her, him and Zak need to learn to be more assertive around us cuddle hogs or they will never get turns!


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